Activity: Conversation at the Market

Activity: Conversation at the Market

Goal of the activity:

The students are able to read a passage aloud and answer questions based on the passage.


Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Writing


Bring the “Meenakshi and Rohit Go to the Market” handouts.


The situation for this Lesson Plan is Meenakshi and Rohit Go to the Market. The Lesson Plan is divided into 4 sections:
  • The first section Read Out Loud helps the students read a passage.
  • The second section Comprehension section based on the passage.
  • The third section Let’s Learn New Things is on vocabulary.
  • The fourth section Writing helps the students write sentences on their own.

Section 1: Read out Loud 

Time: 30 minutes
Objective: The students are given a passage to read.

Activity 1:

Distribute the following handout (Meenakshi and Rohit Go to the Theatre):


Meenakshi and Rohit have to buy books. They are starting their second year at Shri Ram Das College. So, they take an auto-rickshaw and go to the market.

At the market, there are many bookstores. Rohit and Meenakshi don’t know where to start.

“Rohit, why don’t we go to Bookland first?” asks Meenakshi.

“Okay,” says Rohit. “How many books are we going to buy?”

“Six books each,” replies Meenakshi.

“Twelve in total,” says Rohit.

They go inside the bookstore.

“May I help you?” asks the shopkeeper.

“Yes,” says Meenakshi. “We want to buy two copies of each book.” Meenaskhi takes out a list of books. She gives it to the shopkeeper.

“Okay,” says the shopkeeper.

“How much will that cost?” asks Rohit.

“One thousand five hundred rupees in total,” replied the shopkeeper.{alertInfo}

Teacher Note:

Read out the passage for the students, explaining the meaning of each sentence. Then, ask the entire class to read out the passage. After that, make each student read out the passage.

If required, you can explain the meaning of the following terms:

1. Bookstore – a store where books are sold.
2. Shopkeeper – a person who owns a shop.

Section 2: Comprehension 

Time: 20 minutes
Objective: The students have to work on a comprehension exercise.

Activity 2:

Write down the following questions on the blackboard:
1. Which college do Meenakshi and Rohit study at?
2. Which bookstore do Meenakshi and Rohit go to?
3. How many books do Meenakshi and Rohit buy in total?
4. How much do the books cost in total?
5. Who gives the list of books to the shopkeeper?

Teacher Note:

Divide the class into pairs, and ask them to answer the above questions. Give them fifteen minutes to find the answers. Then, one person from each pair/both students can read out their answers. After all of them have read out, tell them the correct answers:

1. Meenakshi and Rohit study at Shri Ram Das College.
2. Meenakshi and Rohit go to Bookland.
3. Meenakshi and Rohit buy twelve books in total.
4. The books cost one thousand five hundred rupees in total.
5. Meenakshi gives the list of books to the shopkeeper.

Section 3: Let’s Learn New Things 

Time: 30 minutes
Objective: The students are given new words and terms to learn.

Activity 3:

Write down the following on the blackboard.
1. Supermarket – a big market that sells a lot of things
2. Purchase – to buy; something you buy (खरीदना)
3. Cash receipt – bill
4. Retail – the sale of goods (बेचना)
5. Retailer – the one who sells
6. Customer – the one who buys (माहक)
7. Cheap – having low price
8. Costly, expensive, pricy – having high price
9. Bargain – to talk over the price (मोलतौल- करना)
10. Fixed price – it means that the price cannot be bargained

Take the students through the word/term and its meaning. Give them some examples.
1. I am going to the supermarket to buy some clothes and shoes.
2. I am going to purchase a pair of shoes.
3. My purchase is a pair of shoes only.
4. I want a cash receipt for my purchase.
5. My father is in the retail business. He sells clothes.
6. There were many customers in the store.
7. This pair of shoes is cheap; it costs only one hundred fifty rupees.
8. That pair of shoes is costly/expensive/pricy; their price is six hundred rupees.
9. Can we bargain over the price of this pair of shoes?
10. We can’t bargain over this pair of shoes. It as a fixed price.

Teacher Note:

Now, ask the students to make their own sentences using the above words. Give them ten minutes to write the sentences. When the time’s up, let them read out whatever they have written. It’s all right if they haven’t made sentences with all the words.

Section 4: Writing 

Time: 10 minutes
Objective: The students are given some sentences to write.

Activity 4:

Ask the students to read out in the following sentences:
1. I want to buy a shirt.
2. The shirt I like is red in colour.
3. It costs three hundred rupees.
Then, tell them to fill in the following and write about their own experience.
7. I ___________________.
8. The ____________ is ______ in colour.
9. It costs __________________
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