Consonant blends, also known as consonant clusters, are groups of two or three consonants found in words that produce a distinct combined sound, such as "bl" in "black" or "spl" in "splash." These blends are essential components of English phonetics and include combinations like bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, and tr. Each blend retains the sound of the individual consonants, though they are pronounced together swiftly.
In addition to consonant blends, there are consonant digraphs, which consist of two consonants that come together to create a single sound different from the sounds of the individual letters. Examples of consonant digraphs include ch, ck, gh, ng, ph, qu, sh, th, wh, and wr. These digraphs are fundamental in shaping the pronunciation and spelling of many English words.
Trigraphs are clusters of three consonants that form a unique sound. Some common trigraphs include nth, sch, scr, shr, spl, spr, squ, str, and thr. These combinations often appear in more complex words and add to the richness of English phonetics.
Beyond consonant blends and digraphs, there are vowel digraphs, which consist of two vowels coming together to produce a distinct vowel sound. These vowel combinations are crucial for understanding English pronunciation and include ai as in "rain," au as in "fault," aw as in "saw," ay as in "day," ea as in "team," ee as in "see," ei as in "veil," eu as in "feud," ew as in "new," ey as in "they," ie as in "pie," oi as in "boil," oo as in "food," ou as in "out," ow as in "cow," and oy as in "boy."
Each of these phonetic elements—consonant blends, consonant digraphs, trigraphs, and vowel digraphs—plays a crucial role in the structure and sound of the English language. Understanding these components is essential for mastering pronunciation, spelling, and reading fluency.
Some words that begin with common digraphs or blends
blab, black, blackberry, blackbird, blackmail, blacksmith, bladder, blade, blah, blame, blanche, bland, blandish, blank, blanket, blaring, blarney, blast, blatant, blaze, bleach, bleachers, bleak, bleary, bleat, bled, bleed, bleep, blemish, blend, blender, bless, blew, blight, blimp, blind, blindfold, blini, blink, blinkers, blintz, blip, bliss, blister, blithe, blitz, blizzard, bloat, blob, block, blockade, blockbuster, blockhead, bloke, blonde, blood, bloom, blooper, blossom, blot, blotch, blouse, blow, blowtorch, blubber, bludgeon, blue, blueberry, bluejay, bluff, blunder, blunt, blur, blurry, blurt, blush, bluster, blustery
brace, bracelet, bracket, brad, brag, braid, brain, brake, bramble, bran, branch, brand, brass, brat, brave, brawny, bray, breach, bread, break, breath, breathe, bred, breed, breeze, brew, briar, bribe, brick, bride, bridge, brief, brig, bright, brilliant, brim, brine, bring, brink, brisk, bristle, brittle, broad, broccoli, broil, broken, bronco, bronze, brooch, brood, brook, broom, broth, brother, brought, brow, brown, browse, bruise, brunette, brush, brutal
chain, chair, chalk, challenge, chamber, champion, chance, change, channel, chant, chap, chapel, chapter, char, charge, chariot, charity, charm, chart, chase, chat, cheap, check, checkers, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, chef, cherry, chess, chest, chew, chick, chicken, chief, child, chili, chime, chimp, chin, china, chip, chisel, chocolate, choice, choose, chop, chore, chose, church
clad, claim, clairvoyant, clam, clambake, clamber, clammy, clamor, clamp, clamshell, clan, clandestine, clap, clapper, clarify, clarinet, clarity, clash, clasp, class, classic, classical, classification, classify, classmate, classroom, clause, claustrophobia, clavichord, claw, clay, clean, cleanse, clear, clearance, cleat, cleaver, clef, cleft, clench, clergy, clerical, clerk, clever, click, client, cliff, climate, climb, cling, clinic, clink, clip, clipboard, clique, cloak, clobber, clock, clockwise, clod, clog, clone, clop, close, closet, clot, clothes, clothespin, cloud, clout, clover, clown, cloy, club, cluck, clue, clump, clumsy, clunky, cluster, clutch, clutter
crab, crack, cracker, crackle, crackpot, cradle, crafts, crag, cram, cramp, cranberry, crane, cranefly, cranium, cranky, cranny, crash, crass, crate, crater, crave, crawfish, crawl, crayfish, crayon, craze, crazy, creak, cream, crease, create, creature, credence, credit, creed, creek, creep, creepy, crepe, crescent, cress, crest, crew, crewcut, crib, cricket, cries, crime, criminal, crimp, cringe, crinkle, crippling, crisis, crisp, crisscross, criteria, critical, criticize, critter, croak, crochet, crocodile, crocus, crone, crook, crooked, crop, croquet, cross, crosswalk, crossword, crouch, crow, crowd, crown, cruel, cruise, crumb, crumpet, crunch, crust, crutch, crux, cry, crypt, cryptic, crystal
drab, draft, drag, dragon, dragonfly, dragoon, drain, drake, dram, drama, dramatic, drank, drape, drapery, drastic, draw, drawbridge, drawer, drawl, drawn, dread, dreadful, dreadlocks, dreadnought, dream, dreary, dredge, dregs, dreidel, drench, dress, dresser, drew, dribble, drier, drift, driftwood, drill, drink, drip, drive, drivel, driven, driver, driveway, drizzle, drole, dromedary, drone, drool, drool, droop, drop, drought, drove, droves, drown, drowsy, drudgery, drug, druggist, drum, drunk, dry, dry
flab, flabbergasted, flag, flagship, flail, flair, flake, flamboyant, flame, flamingo, flan, flank, flannel, flap, flapjacks, flare, flash, flashcard, flask, flat, flatter, flaunt, flavor, flaw, flax, flay, flea, fleck, fled, fledge, fleece, fleet, flesh, flex, flicker, flier, flight, flimflam, flimsy, flinch, fling, flint, flip, flipbook, flipper, flit, float, flock, floe, flog, flood, floodlight, floor, flop, Florida, florist, floss, flotilla, flounder, flour, flourish, flow, flower, flown, flu, flub, fluctuate, flue, fluent, fluffy, fluid, fluke, flung, flunk, flush, flute, flutter, flux, fly, flyswatter
fraction, fragile, fragment, fragrant, frail, frame, frank, frantic, fraud, fray, free, freeze, freezer, freight, French horn, frenzy, frequent, fresh, fret, friction, friend, frighten, frill, fringe, frisk, frock, frog, frolic, from, frond, front, frontier, frost, froth, frothy, frown, frozen, frugal, fruit, frumpy, frustrate, fry
glacier, glad, glade, gladiator, gladiolus, glamor, glamorous, glance, gland, glare, glass, glasses, glaze, gleam, glean, glee, glen, glib, glid, glide, glider, glimmer, glimpse, glint, glisten, glitch, glitter, glitz, gloat, glob, global, globalization, globe, globetrotter, globular, glom, gloomy, glorify, glory, glossary, glossy, glove, glow, glower, glucose, glue, glum, glut, glutes, glutton, gluttony
grab, grace, graceful, gracious, grad, grade, gradual, graduate, graffiti, graft, graham, grain, gram, grammar, grand, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, granite, grant, granular, grapefruit, grapes, graph, grasp, grass, grasshopper, grassland, grate, grateful, grater, gratitude, grave, gravel, graveyard, gravity, gravy, gray, graze, grease, great, grebe, greedy, Greek, green, greet, greeting, grew, grey, greyhound, grid, griddle, gridiron, gridlock, grief, grieving, grill, grim, grimace, grime, grin, grind, grip, gripe, gristle, grit, grits, grizzly, groan, grocery, groggy, groin, groom, groove, groovy, grope, gross, grotesque, grotto, grouch, grouchy, ground, groundhog, group, grouse, grout, grove, grovel, grow, growl, grown, grownup, growth, grub, grudge, gruesome, gruff, grumble, grumpy, grunt
place, placid, plagiarize, plague, plaid, plain, plan, plane, planet, plank, plankton, plant, plantain, plantation, planter, plaque, plasma, plaster, plastic, plate, plateau, platform, platitude, platter, platypus, play, playground, plaza, plea, plead, pleasant, please, pleasure, pleat, pled, pledge, plenty, pliant, pliers, plight, plod, plop, plot, plover, plow, pluck, plug, plum, plumb, plumber, plume, plummet, plump, plunder, plunger, plural, plus, plush, Pluto, ply, plywood
prairie, prance, pray, precious, precipitation, precise, precocious, predict, preposition, present, president, press, pretzel, prey, price, pride, prim, primary, prime, prince, princess, principal, principle, print, prior, prism, prison, privacy, private, privilege, prize, prize, pro, probably, probe, problem, proceed, prod, project, prom, prong, pronoun, pronoun, prop, propeller, proper, proton, protractor, proud, prove, proverb, prow, prune, pry
scab, scabbard, scads, scaffold, scald, scale, scalene, scallop, scalp, scalpel, scaly, scam, scamper, scan, scandal, scanner, scant, scapegoat, scar, scarab, scare, scarecrow, scarf, scarlet, scary, scathing, scatter, scavenger, scenario, scene, scenery, scenic, scent, scepter, sceptic, science, scientific, scientist, scimitar, scintilla, scintillate, scissors, scoff, scofflaw, scold, sconce, scoop, scoot, scope, scorch, score, scorn, scorpion, scot, scotch, scour, scout, scowl, scuba, scuff, scuffle, sculptor, sculpture, scum, scurrilous, scurry, scurvy, scute, scythe
shack, shade, shadow, shake, shall, sham, shampoo, shamrock, shape, share, shark, she, sheep, shelf, shell, shepherd, shine, shiny, ship, shirt, shock, shoddy, shoot, shop, shore, short, shot, should, shoulder, shout, shovel, show, shower, shuck, shudder, shunt, shut
skate, skateboard, skatepark, skedaddle, skeet, skein, skeletal, skeleton, skeptic, sketch, sketchbook, skew, skewer, ski, skid, skiff, skill, skillet, skim, skimobile, skimp, skimpy, skin, skink, skinny, skip, skipjack, skipper, skirmish, skirt, skit, skittish, skittle, skivvy, skiwear, skulk, skull, skullcap, skullduggery, skunk, sky, skydive, skylark, skylight, skyline, skyrocket, skyscraper, skywriting
slab, slack, slain, slam, slant, slap, slash, slat, slave, slaw, slay, sled, sleek, sleep, sleeping bag, sleet, sleeve, sleigh, slender, slice, slick, slid, slide, slim, slime, slip, slippers, slit, slob, slop, slot, sloth, slough, slow, slug, slum, slump
smack, small, smallpox, smarmy, smart, smash, smattering, smear, smell, smelt, smidgen, smile, smilodon, smirk, smite, smith, smitten, smock, smog, smoke, smokescreen, smolder, smooch, smooth, smoothie, smorgasbord, smother, smudge, smug, smuggle, smush
snack, snag, snail, snake, snap, snapdragon, snapper, snapshot, snare, snarl, snatch, snazzy, sneak, sneaker, sneer, sneeze, snicker, snide, sniff, sniffle, snip, snipe, sniper, snippers, snippy, snit, snivel, snob, snood, snooker, snoop, snooty, snooze, snore, snorkel, snort, snot, snout, snow, snowball, snowboard, snowcap, snowflake, snowmobile, snowplow, snowshoe, snub, snuck, snuff, snug, snuggle, snugly
spa, space, spacecraft, spacious, spackle, spade, spaghetti, Spain, spam, span, spandex, spank, spar, spare, spareribs, spark, sparkle, sparkler, sparrow, sparse, spartan, spasm, spat, spatial, spatter, spatula, spawn, speak, spear, special, species, specific, specify, specimen, speckle, spectacle, spectacular, spectator, speculate, sped, speech, speed, spell, spend, spew, spice, spider, spiffy, spigot, spike, spill, spin, spinach, spinal, spine, spiral, spire, spirit, spit, spite, spoil, spoke, sponge, sponsor, spoof, spooky, spool, spoon, spore, sports, spot, spotlight, spouse, spout, spud, spun, spunk, spur, spurn, spurt, sputnik, sputter, spy
stab, stable, stack, stadium, staff, stag, stage, stagger, stair, stake, stalactite, stalagmite, stale, stalk, stall, stallion, stamp, stand, stapler, star, static, steak, steam, steep, stem, step, stick, sticker, sting, stomach, stone, stool, stoop, stop, store, storm, story, stove, stub, stud, student, stump, stun
swab, swaddle, swagger, swallow, swallowtail, swam, swami, swamp, swan, swanky, swansong, swap, swarm, swashbuckler, swat, sway, swear, sweat, sweater, sweatshirt, sweep, sweepstake, sweet, swell, sweltering, swept, swerve, swift, swim, swimsuit, swindle, swine, swing, swingset, swipe, swirl, swish, Swiss, switch, swivel, swizzle, swollen, swoon, swoop, swoosh, sword, swordfish, sworn, swum, swung
than, thank, thanksgiving, that, thaw, the, their, them, then, there, therefore, thermometer, these, they, they’re, thick, thief, thigh, thimble, thin, thing, think, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirty, this, thorax, thorn, thorough, those, though, thought, thousand, thud, thumb, thump, thunder, Thursday, thus
trace, trachea, track, tract, traction, tractor, trade, tradition, traffic, tragedy, tragic, trail, trailer, train, trait, traitor, tram, tramp, trample, trance, tranquil, transfer, transform, transit, translate, transmit, transparent, transport, trap, trapeze, trash, travel, tray, tread, treasure, treat, treble, tree, trek, triangle, trim, trinket, trip, triplets, trod, troll, trolley, trombone, trot, trout, truck, trumpet, trunk
t’was, twang, tweak, tweed, tween, tweet, tweeze, tweezers, twelfth, twelve, twenty, twerp, twice, twiddle, twig, twilight, twill, twin, twine, twinge, twinkle, twirl, twist, twister, twit, twitter, twixt
whale, wharf, what, wheat, wheel, wheelbarrow, wheelchair, wheeze, whelp, when, where, whereby, wherefore, wherewithal, whet, whether, whetstone, whew, whey, which, whiff, whig, while, whim, whimper, whimsical, whine, whinny, whip, whiplash, whippersnapper, whippet, whippoorwill, whir, whirl, whirligig, whirlpool, whirlwind, whisk, whisker, whiskey, whisper, whist, whistle, whistleblower, whit, white, whiteboard, whitecap, whiteout, whitewash, whittle, whiz, whoa, whooping, whoosh, whorl, why
wrack, wraith, wrangle, wrap, wraparound, wrapper, wrath, wreath, wreck, wreckage, wrecker, wren, wrench, wrestle, wretched, wriggle, wring, wrinkle, wrist, wristwatch, writ, write, writhe, writing, written, wrong, wrongful, wrote, wrought, wrung, wry
Some words that begin with common trigraphs
schedule, schematic, scheme, scherzo, schism, schizophrenic, schlep, schlock, schmooze, scholar, scholarship, scholastic, school, schoolroom, schooner, schwa
scram, scramble, scrap, scrapbook, scrape, scrappy, scratch, scrawl, scrawny, scream, screech, screen, screenwriter, screw, screwball, screwdriver, scribble, scribe, scrimmage, scrimp, scrimshaw, scrip, script, scripture, scroll, scrooge, scrounge, scrub, scruffy, scrunch, scruples, scrutinize, scrutiny
shrank, shrapnel, shred, shrew, shrewd, shriek, shrift, shrill, shrimp, shrine, shrink, shrivel, shroud, shrub, shrug, shrunk
sphagnum, sphere, spherical, spheroid, sphincter, sphinx
splash, splashdown, splat, splatter, splay, spleen, splendid, splendor, splice, splint, splinter, split, splotchy, splurge, splurt, splutter
sprain, sprang, sprawl, spray, spread, spreadsheet, spree, sprig, spring, springboard, springbok, springtime, sprinkle, sprinkler, sprint, sprite, spritz, spritzer, sprocket, sprout, spruce, sprung, spry
squab, squabble, squad, squadron, squalid, squall, squalor, squander, square, squash, squat, squawk, squeak, squeal, squeamish, squeegee, squeeze, squelch, squib, squid, squiggle, squint, squire, squirm, squirrel, squirt, squish
straight, strain, strait, strand, strange, strap, straw, strawberry, stray, streak, stream, street, strength, stress, stress, stretch, stretch, strict, stride, string, stripe, strobe, stroke, stroll, strong, struck, strum, strung, strut
thrash, thread, threat, three, thresher, threw, thrice, thrift, thriller, thrive, throat, throb, throne, throng, throttle, through, throw, thrush, thrust