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How to Set Up an English Language Lab in a School [video included]


Language Labs are becoming increasingly common at many professional institutions. It has also become a catchphrase in the context of the infrastructure offered through State-of-the-Lang Labs. There was a time when the word "Language Labs" was a source of amazement. Soft skills are needed by fresh graduates in global corporations and needy banking institutions in today's era of science and technology.

How to Set Up an English Language Lab in a School [video included]

In India, using language labs to teach English is a relatively new notion. Language labs, a technological contribution to language teaching, have made the English language teaching more successful, faster, and engaging. Language is an important part of science and technology in today's age of information technology. Science is a subject that can be learned, whereas communication is a skill that must be practised. Due to a lack of effective communication skills, even gold medalists miss out on some of the best opportunities, and so knowledge and communication are the two sides of the job.

What is the Language Lab?

A language laboratory is a designated place where students can access audio or audio-visual materials to help them learn a foreign language. They require a teacher to monitor and control student audio, which is transmitted to individual students via headphones or in isolated "sound booths."

Related: A creative English language model resource center

Despite the fact that there are over sixty soft skills, language abilities are the most important. In the digital language lab, certain receptive skills, particularly those related to genres of listening abilities, can be efficiently taught. Certain expressive skills of the students, speaking and writing can be learnt in the digital Language Lab by using network software.

The essence of the Language Lab

Attaining proficiency in any language requires constant listening, speaking, and practice. One must listen and speak regularly to improve the skills of that particular language. Following the system of that language is very important.

In the new millennium, English language labs are recognised as important resources for students. A language lab is an invaluable facility for equipping students with the necessary communication skills to face the highly competitive world around them, as it provides them with ample opportunity to bridge the gaps in their learning process, hones their talents, and help them face the world with competence and confidence. The ideal option is to provide a facility, such as a language lab, to meet the students' demands.

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The English Language Lab demonstrates a variety of language functions that are particularly relevant to the students' level. This new method is task-oriented and skill-based. Through several assignments, the four skills needed in learning a language, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing, are enhanced.

How to set up an English Language Lab in a school?

How to Set Up an English Language Lab in School?

A school is an ideal place to learn English. Setting up a Language Lab in a school will certainly help the students improve the English language.

Learning a language requires a lot of regular practice. Usage of the language in day-to-day conversation plays a very important role in learning the English language.

To help the students practice the language, every school must have an English Language Resource Center/Lab. As you know learning a language requires practising four basic language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

The Lab/Resource Center must have four stations for those four language skills.

Listening Station [L]

As you know listening is the most important skill that helps the learner understand a language. In the language lab, there must be a listening station. This station provides ample opportunities for the students to listen and comprehend.

Listening Station [L]

The listening station will have audio-video devices. These devices help the students to watch PowerPoint Presentations, slides, movie clippings, etc. The students are provided with the headphone facility for optimum use of the facility.

This station is separated from the rest of the lab by a partition to provide privacy for the students who are using the listening station as well as to prevent any kind of distraction to the other students.

Speaking Station [S]

We now move on to the speaking station. This station provides opportunities for the students to practice speaking with various speaking activities.

Speaking Station [S]

The speaking station is provided with microphones, tape recorders, and headphones to enable the students to record their speaking.

The Lab mentor must come up with various speaking activities for the students to practice and record their speaking.

Reading Station [R]

The reading station promotes team spirit as the students or pairs and works on various activities and games. They improve their reading skills by using the worksheets, language games, and multiple copies of books provided for this purpose.

Reading Station [R]

In the reading station, the lab mentor must ensure that all the students involving the reading activities assigned to them. Students must be given more stress on out loud reading activities as this improves the pronunciation and confidence among the students.

Writing Station [W]

Writing Station [W]

The writing station helps the students to develop their creative writing skills. In this station, various writing activities must be conducted by the lab mentor. The activities may include dictation, copy-writing, describing an object, etc.

The layout of the lab [video]

Teacher's role

In order to encourage learning in the classroom, the teacher serves as a mentor. For this, a teacher must be up to date on technology, be open to new ideas, and have a degree of subject speciality. Students can overcome their inhibitions and demonstrate their abilities with boundless excitement, transforming their weaknesses into strengths.

Language teachers motivate the students in lab sessions by conducting classes on "personality development," "interpersonal skills," and "soft skills," which are essential factors in moulding them into perfect professionals.


The English Language Laboratory is a fantastic concept, and it is very easy for children to learn the English language if it is implemented in schools.

English language teachers can set up a language laboratory with the help of the school administration.