Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

Answer: Desires and thoughts.

Answer: (b) thoughts

Answer: The parents cannot visit Tomorrow.

Answer: Swift and far

Answer: God the archer.

Answer: Gladness.

Answer: Life always goes forward and never backwards.

Answer: Children.

Answer: ‘Bows’ are the parents and ‘Arrows’ are the children.

Answer: Parents.

Answer: Their thoughts.

Answer: Mother Earth.

Answer: The love of the parents.

Answer: (a) The archer.

Answer: Children.

Answer: Parents.


II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each.

Answer: The Poem highlighting that parents do not own their children and they cannot control the desires and thoughts of the children. The poet feels that children should be freely and lovingly allowed to grow into independent individuals. Children too have their minds and their own thoughts. Parents are the” bows” and the children are the” arrows”. Our Creator God uses the stable bow to send the arrows to a certain place. In other words, parents need to be good stable role models for their children. Thus, the poet wants parents to guide their children through love and not control them or their thoughts.

Answer: The poet stresses that the children are the continuation of life on earth, and should be freely and lovingly allowed to grow into their individuality. The parents should love their children without binding them with their own thoughts. Children have their own set of thoughts. It is true that parents protect the children’s physical bodies but they can never bind their souls which live in the house of tomorrow. The parents’ love could make them like their children but should not make their children become like themselves because every child has his own inner personality. Thus, through this poem, Khalil Gibran conveys that children should be given love, care and affection but thoughts should not be imposed upon them.

Answer: God is the Archer, parents are the bows and Children are the arrows. The Archer wants His living arrows to reach the target. He decides the target for His arrows by using the parents as bows to shoot the arrows. If parents give their love and not their thoughts, the living arrows will reach the target as per the Divine plan. God, the Supreme Power, uses parents as a vehicle to bring children to this earth. Children have their own thoughts and souls. Therefore, parents cannot possess them as puppets.

Answer: The poet feels that children should be allowed to freely and lovingly grow into independent individuals. Children too have their minds and their own thoughts. Parents are the ‘bows’ and the children are the ‘arrows’. Our Creator, God uses the stable bow to send the arrows to a certain place. In other words, parents need to be good stable role models for their children. Thus, the poet emphasizes that parents should guide their children through love and not control~ them or their thoughts.

Answer: God is their Creator and the parents are the instruments who continue creation on the earth. The poet asks the parents to give the children their love and affection but not their thoughts. They should be allowed freely and lovingly to grow into individuals. Children belong to the future and they are independent personalities. The poet compares the parents to bows and children to arrows and God, the Archer. God uses bows-parents--to bring children-arrows into the world. Parents should be gentle role models and guide the children and not force them into doing something.

Answer: The poem "On Children" does not focus merely on the lives of children but also talks about the responsibility of parents. In the first part Gibran argues that children take birth as life’s longing for itself. Since we do not create children, we cannot possess them. However, Gibran argues that parents do have a role in the life of children. He says that we should give our children as much love as we can but never our thoughts. The children must be let free to think for themselves, and parents must not aim their ideas on them. Next, Gibran talks about the responsibility of parents. He states that God is the archer, and parents are his bows. The archer decides on the target, bends the bow to suit his target and shoots the arrows. The arrows are the children. Thus the archer wants the parents to serve as his instrument. If the bow remains rigid and inflexible, the arrows may not reach the desired destination. Therefore, as parents, it is our responsibility to be flexible enough to allow our children to live their own lives.

Answer: Gibran assumes Almustafa and speaks to the people with the intention of enlightening them about ‘children and to guide them as to how they should bring up their children.

1. ‘Children’ are born to fulfil the ‘longing’ of life itself. They are a gift from the richness of existence. God, the supreme power, uses parents as a vehicle or passage to bring children to this earth. Since parents do not create ‘life', parents do not own children. They may house. their bodies but not their souls.

2. ‘Children’ have their own souls and are not nonliving things. Therefore, parents cannot possess them as puppets. Life’s longing for itself brings forth children in the form of sons and daughters. Hence, our sons and daughters do not belong to us though we have accepted them.

3. Parents bring children to this earth, they should also take care of children as stewards’ and protect them, take care of their needs until they grow and mature and become fully developed individuals. Parents should take care of their needs only and should not impose their thoughts and ideas on them.

Answer: According to the Prophet, a child is a gift from the abundance of existence and it is eternal life itself. Children are born as sons and daughters as ‘life’s longing for itself. Parents do not create them and hence cannot possess them. Parents serve as a ‘passage' or vehicle to bring the children to this world. Further, children have their own thoughts because they have the free will to do as they please. Whereas parents belong to yesterdays, their children belong to the future. The children Will have their own scriptures and saints; hence parents should only give them as much love as they can and not their thoughts. Parents should not push their past as a tradition on their children but should let them grow according to their own potential.